Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gym Class

James saw a commercial for a local gym for infants, toddlers, and younger kids. The whole premise is activity with mom/dad and physical activity in general. I decided to try a class out with a free session and took some videos of Wyatt having fun. The class is structured and the "teachers" lead the parents and kids through joint activities that help with coordination, flexibility and other development. The one activity I didn't get a video of was the trapeze. The teacher held Wyatt's arms under the wrist as Wyatt "held" the trapeze bar. I let go and he was then able (with her help) to swing freely back and forth. This sensation definitely brought a smile to his face :-D Needless to say, I signed up for the class and will be spending some fun time with Wyatt every Friday.

Laughing at Charlotte

Charlotte is a neighbor girl and we occasionally drop her off at the bus and/or get her from the bus after school. One such time occurred last week. Her mom had an appointment so Charlotte hung out at our place for a little while. As you can see from the videos, Wyatt had a fun time while she was here. She wasn't ever really doing anything purposefully funny, but Wyatt seemed to think she was hysterical!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Not much to say other than here's a medley of videos I keep meaning to share with everyone. They range from laughing with/at the pets to hanging out with dad to talking to himself while in the saucer.

Eating Cheerios (well, trying anyways).

Petting Tiger


In his Saucer

In his Saucer again

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Big man on the couch

It's very hard to believe that Wyatt is already 6 months old. Aside from the fact that he is now huge (the newborn next door is severely dwarfed by Wyatt), so many developmental changes amaze us everyday. From batting at toys to learning to reach out and grab them, from quiet to talkative and making various vowel and consonant sounds, from hating being on his belly to propping himself up to look around and then rolling over to his back. There are so many changes happening as the weeks go by. He's also found his feet and whenever he's on his back, Wyatt usually has one or both feet pulled up and in his hands. This also causes a very strange movement as he tends to roll to one side when both feet are raised. He then loses hold of his feet and ends up slightly turned from his original position. Without realizing it, you can lay him down facing one direction and look down later to see he's turned 180 degrees. And now there's also the hitting of toys and flapping of toys around in the air (sometimes hitting himself in the noggin). As you can see from the pictures in his the previous blog, there is also now a very serious look on his face as he plays with his toys and gnaws on them. It's a hilarious intensity that cracks us up!

As you can see from the photos, Wyatt is also sitting up fairly well. He still can't completely sit on his own, but when we sit with him, he does very well maintaining balance. There are face plants now and then as he reaches for a toy, but he's definitely improving. He hasn't mastered crawling yet either, but he manages to move backwards and turn sideways.

Sitting Up

Baths should following Feedings

Starting at about 4months, we decided to introduce cereals and baby food to young Master Wyatt. I do wish I'd taken a picture of his first cereal experience, but I can't seem to find it. Let's just say he made a serious "Yuck" face. After a lot of patient feedings (mostly by dad), he got the hang of the spoon. Bananas quickly became a favorite, as did peaches and apples and even sweet potatoes and butternut squash. We now slam a lot of cereal and jarred food twice a day and at 6 months, he's moved on the larger jars of food with more variety. Sadly, we will have to get the creepy pureed meats (like chicken) at some point and time, but the cheesy mac with veggies didn't sound too bad (although I don't think I'll be trying it anytime soon).

A fun and splashy bath follows dinner. Fortunately, Wyatt is occupied with the fishie book while James and I clean between fingers and toes and all the other crevices that accumulate gunk.

Feeding and Bath

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wyatt Helps Mom and Dad Vote

James and I have always felt voting to be not only a duty, honor and a privilege, but also a responsibility. People who say that voting doesn't matter are apathetic idiots who should be voted off the continent. Now that we are parents, it has also really hit us that Wyatt will grow up with a Black president as a reality. 8 or even 4 years ago, I would not have imagined a Black president so early in my life. I mean, maybe in 10 or 12 years, but I didn't see the country as ready for such acceptance yet. And let's not forget Hillary. She was damn close to being the Democratic nominee and would have also ran hard against McCain. Just like the fact that Wyatt will grow up with crazy technology and always having the Internet at his fingertips (and literally fingertips as touchscreens will soon be the rage and available to all, my first email was DOS based at Michigan Tech). There's my spiel. We took some video from the polling place this morning. I need to work on my documentary abilities, but part of the bad shooting was due to my paranoia that someone would kick us out for taping our votes.